Faurecia wanted to offer users the most natural possible access to data so as to allow them to view the site in its environment and thus offer new analysis possibilities.
“We want users to have easy access to data and analysis, as well as enabling them to visualize the location and its environment. This is what we got in the Geo-decisional Vision module of Visiativ Real Estate Suite.”
Insurance, Prevention and Real Estate Head
Faurecia has 420 sites, 230 of which are factories in about 30 countries. With company’s growth, perimeter and number of square meters tend to evolve regularly. For a long time, the list of sites was managed in numerous Excel files, each of which had specific information. Consolidation had become impossible also because some data were in the hands of Faurecia’s external service providers, such as insurers, brokers or real estate agents.
« At one point, it seemed essential to bring together all the information in a central system to better control it. It also seemed essential to us to ensure that relations with our partners are based on the quality of their services rather than on their control of data, » recalls Michel JOSSET, Insurance, Prevention and Real Estate Manager.
« We want users to have easy access to data and analysis, as well as enabling them to visualize the location and its environment. This is what we got in the Geo-decisional Vision module of Visiativ Real Estate Suite. »
A webservice connection has been set up between EFFISOFT and Visiativ Real Estate GIS. Now insurance correspondents, industrial management, marketing management, operations and more generally anyone who needs to locate factories or create maps can easily view the selected data.
In a second step and to better cover real estate issues, Faurecia has chosen to deploy the entire Visiativ real estate suite in hosted mode. The site repository is exported daily into the solution from EFFISOFT and has been enriched with new attributes such as activity profile of a site or distance from customer assembly plants.
The application has around 300 Faurecia users or external service providers (real estate agents, brokers, insurers, environmental or technical diagnosis service providers, etc.): these service providers upload their reports and associated attributes directly to the portal. Thus, Faurecia has an up to date repository constantly enriched. In the long term, it is planned to integrate financial data of locations to achieve a precise benchmark between sites, based for example on indicators of industrial added value per square meter. Over time, more and more functions became interested in the project. This created a virtuous dynamic. Indeed, each time a direction joins the project, it enriches the reference system which therefore brings more and more value to it.
And that’s not all. « In a logic of industrial strategy, we are able to represent existing or planned Faurecia sites ». From now on, all real estate projects impacting or not the number of m² of Faurecia (renewal of leases, project of new sites, cessation of activities, etc.) are managed in Visiativ Real Estate Suite as a workflow and are followed up.
Once project is finished, all project data automatically feeds the repository. « Based on the projects identified, we know how to calculate Faurecia’s future footprint in terms of the number of sites or m², » claims Michel JOSSET.
A workflow intended to process environmental studies of the sites has also been put in place and makes it possible to synchronize the interventions of the technical correspondent, the buyer and the service provider. Beyond the tool, it is also a new way of working that has been set in place. More than a solution for real estate management, Visiativ Real Estate has become a group solution that dynamically covers all information relating to a site.