
Visiativ’s responsibility is based on a continuous process of transparency and integrity with regards to all its stakeholders.
Corporate social responsibility is fundamental in the development of Visiativ and above all it makes sense in the CATALYST plan project initiated in January 2020. We are therefore changing our structure and governance in order to adapt and anticipate our new challenges. This is why we have redesigned our various decision-making bodies. A need to ensure transparency, balance and monitoring of strategic areas and drive the vision of the future. In addition, we have strengthened our responsible practices, as well as the data protection of all stakeholders both from a GDPR point of view and in the cybersecurity approach. These transformations are in line with what we have been building since the creation of Visiativ in 1987. And that allow us to build the future on a stronger foundation.


Structure and transparency

The governance of Visiativ is based on a distribution of powers between the various decision-making bodies. This organization of the governance ensures the balance and monitoring of the strategic priorities.
Visiativ, as a public limited company with a Board of Directors, listed on Euronext Growth Paris, complies with and adheres to the Middlenext Corporate Governance Code, in its latest version published in September 2021.



Responsible practices as an employer

In all countries where the Company operates, Visiativ is committed to developing responsible practices as an employer. Indeed, our Company undertakes to work in a risk prevention approach and to ensure the physical and mental safety of all its employees. This responsibility is placed under the responsibility of the Human Resources Department, for which significant resources are mobilized.



Responsible practices as a company

As a responsible economic player, Visiativ has decided to act both on a global ethics program, a vector of values for all of Visiativ, and through local initiatives in response to the specific needs of each country.
Visiativ is committed to guaranteeing, to all its stakeholders, compliance with the rules of transparency and ethics in all its business relationships. Visiativ relies on its values shared with its employees and all its stakeholders to establish and implement programs and tools guaranteeing transparency and business ethics for the various stakeholders with whom it interacts on a daily basis.



Data protection and security

The protection of the personal data and confidential information of our customers, partners and employees is a key issue. The challenge of information security is currently based on four areas: confidentiality, availability, traceability and data integrity. In order to strengthen its information security management system, Visiativ continues to invest heavily in security.



Appropriate certifications for our specific activities and our client expectations

ABGI certified ISO 9001

SMSI iPorta SIGR, certified ISO 27001

ABGI and Visiativ Operations & Procurement are certified OPQCM

Visiativ managed services certified HDS

Visiativ managed services certified ISO 27001