Financial information

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Universal Registration Document

Le 30/04/2024

Download our 2023 Universal registration document

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Le 28/06/2023

2022 Universal registration document

Download our 2022 Universal registration document

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Le 27/04/2022

2021 Universal registration document

Download our 2021 Universal registration document

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Investors slideshow

Le 20/03/2024

2023 annual results – slideshow

Download the 2 March 2024 presentation

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Le 20/09/2023

H1 results 2023 – SHIFT 2023 – slideshow

2023 H1 annual results and presentation & replay of the new strategic plan: SHIFT5

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Le 21/03/2023

2022 annual results – slideshow

2022 annual results - slideshow

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Other documents

Le 01/03/2020

Corporate Social Responsability 2020
