Sales & Marketing Club

Boost your B2B sales by sharing best practices for better customer intelligence


With the Sales & Marketing Club, we aim to unite people from different backgrounds and experiences to help you improve your sales through a 360° customer view, omnichannel sales solutions and effective merchandising.


Join the community

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Strengthen your customer relationships with consultative selling


Regardless of the size of your company, the Club is there for you to discuss digital transformation and its benefits for improving sales performance, network animation, customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Who’s it for ?


The club serves as a meeting place for :


  • Commercial, Sales or Export Management
  • Digital Technology Management
  • Retail Management
  • Quality Management
  • Purchasing Management
  • Marketing, Communication and E-commerce managers

Why join the Sales & Marketing Club ?


The Sales & Marketing community means :

  • Co-innovating with your commercial and merchandising practices
  • Improving performance in Marketing by sharing new practices
  • Swapping feedback with peers and learning about B2B and B2C techniques


Join the community

Our experience

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Visiativ Innovation Engine


Sales & Marketing Club is part of Visiativ Innovation Engine.

Our cloud innovation platform offers a continuum of services for the digital, social and environmental transformations of SMEs and SMIs: services and solutions to plan, pilot and monitor transformations in order to improve your competitiveness and your company's performance, by sharing experience and expertise within communities of managers, experts and users.

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