Artificial Intelligence Watch: 9 Must-Follow Twitter Accounts

What do a studio partnered with a French banking group, a consultant from a major British auditing firm and a Quebec AI conglomerate all have in common? The answer: they all post Tweets containing valuable information regarding new technologies and AI.

What do a studio partnered with a French banking group, a consultant from a major British auditing firm and a Quebec AI conglomerate all have in common? The answer: they all post Tweets containing valuable information regarding new technologies and AI. In order to help you keep up with the latest in chatbots and artificial intelligence, here are 10 influencers—both French- and English-speaking—that you should definitely be following!


Influencers in chatbots and artificial intelligence


Mike Quindazzi
A Business Development Leader & Management Consultant in the auditing division of PricewaterhouseCoopers, he posts tweets chock-full of figures, infographics and charts on all topics related to artificial intelligence. Absolutely indispensable!



Tamara McCleary
Her expertise in Customer Relations and Big Data is well-established: Tamara has been named one of the Top 25 Influencers in the fields of AI and machine learning. Need we say more?



Accounts specializing in artificial intelligence

The first conglomerate devoted to AI aims to raise the awareness of individuals and inspire innovators in order to help them shape the twenty-first century. Montréal.AI utilizes its Twitter account to provide the public with a glimpse into all of the possibilities offered by artificial intelligence.




Actu IA
If you’d like to closely follow the latest news in artificial intelligence, this is where you’ll find it! Actu IA is an independent French-language portal devoted to artificial intelligence and all related topics—research, developments, products, training, etc. It’s a veritable gold mine!




Experts in innovation and digital transformation

This broadcast dedicated to digital transformation, presented by Emmanuelle Leneuf, has become a Twitter classic. Every morning at 7:30, this compilation of 10 not-to-be-missed pieces of information is followed by 45,000 people. It’s an invaluable reference.




Craig Brown
Craig Brown, a Technology and Business Consultant who is passionate about his work, is committed to sharing his knowledge. If you want to better understand the world of tomorrow, all you have to do is follow him—like the other 144,000 accounts that already do!



All of the latest news on the digital transformation of companies is gathered together in this essential Twitter account. On the menu, you’ll find statistics, key figures, opinions, strategies, advice and more, from both an entrepreneurial and a marketing perspective!



L’Atelier BNP Parisbas
A company specializing in forecasting and innovation, the studio guides and supports the clients and associates of the BNP Paribas banking group in their digital transformation. Here, you’ll find everything that enables organizations to adapt to the latest developments: a little strategy, a good amount of advice, a lot of chatbots and a heaping helping of artificial intelligence!



Founded by New Zealander Richard MacManus and devoted to the latest digital innovations (AI, chatbots, blockchain, IoT, etc.), ReadWrite is nothing short of one of the most influential blogs on the planet in the eyes of companies on a quest for innovation.




To keep up with what’s going on in the world of artificial intelligence and chatbots, without missing a single tidbit, check out these 10 Twitter accounts. There’s no better way to keep pace with all the latest innovations in the field!

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