Sharp increase in 2022 annual results

Sharp increase in 2022 annual results: Revenue +21% - EBITDA +29% and successful CATALYST strategic plan completed one year early

Sharp increase in 2022 annual results: revenue +21% – EBITDA +29%

  • Up +21% in 2022, o/w +11% organic and o/w +59% internationally
  • EBITDA of €28.4m in 2022, representing an EBITDA margin of 11.0%
  • Proforma EBITDA of €30.6m with acquisitions in 2022
  • €24.5m in operating cash flow and €58m in available cash at end-2022

Successful CATALYST strategic plan completed one year early


On the back of robust momentum in Q4, Visiativ enjoyed brisk growth in revenue for 2022, recording an annual increase of +21% to €258.8m which was characterised by another year of double-digit organic growth across all businesses. ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue) of SaaS subscriptions came in at €27.4m at end-2022, up by a considerable +37% (+23% organic).


Buoyed by the strong performance of its two core businesses – SOFTWARE and CONSULTING – the upbeat international growth (+59% of growth o/w +29% organic) and the successful integration of recent acquisitions, Visiativ posted record annual EBITDA of €28.4m, up +29%. As a result, the Group’s EBITDA margin for 2022 ended at 11.0% vs. 10.3% in the year-earlier period.


On a proforma basis, by consolidating all of the acquisitions for the entire FY 2022, proforma EBITDA stood at €30.6m, which enabled Visiativ to reach the €30m target in 2022, a year ahead of schedule. Under the CATALYST plan, this target was initially set for 2023.


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