First-half 2024 revenue up 8%

  • SOFTWARE: up +4%, including +27% for SaaS subscriptions
  • ARR from SaaS subscriptions: €45.2m at end-June 2024, up +37%
  • CONSULTING: growth of +12%, of which +4% in organic terms
  • Tender offer until 14 August: Share price for the tender offer: €37.00 per share, i.e. a premium of +35.5% compared with Visiativ’s closing share price before the offer


At the end of the first half of 2024, Visiativ generated consolidated revenue of €132.1m, reflecting total growth of +8% (stable at constant scope and constant exchange rates), with an increase of +12% for the CONSULTING division, and +4% for the SOFTWARE division, including a +27% increase in SaaS subscriptions. SaaS subscriptions now account for 27% of the SOFTWARE division’s billings (21% for full-year 2023).

ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue) from SaaS subscriptions amounted to €45.2m at the end of June 2024, up +37% year-on-year (+16% in organic terms).


Recurring business, which accounts for 67% of revenue, was up +10% in H1 2024 (+2% in organic terms).
Lastly, international business was up +16%, representing 38% of Group business over the six-month period.


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