Document validation circuits : win in reactivity

The module that manages document validation circuits, being one of the essential features of the GED, allows your company not only to dematerialize your information flow, but also to ensure the control and durability of the documents circulating in the database business.



You probably know a feature that could be called an “electronic files” or a “dematerialized files”. The management of document validation circuits is approaching by positioning itself as a multifunctional tool, widely used in decision-making processes. It allows its users to track, modify, and validate the complete flow of documents according to the roles of each person in the company. At every stage of a document’s life, your team can, depending on the rights that have been assigned to it, enrich the documents, distribute them to the people concerned, validate the correct versions of documents, archive them, etc.



Traceability of documents and saving time for each employee


Let’s take an example of any internal request in a so-called document management workflow. This request includes several steps: creation, distribution (often by e-mail or paper version), reception by the person concerned, verification and validation, notification sent to the person who made the request. These steps may seem simple, but in practice, between waiting times, errors, forgetfulness, the human factor, it can take further days, which will cost you in working hours of your employees.


Document validation circuits


With the electronic document validation process, each action becomes targeted and automated. The application forms allow your employees to create these documents in seconds. The automatic distribution will provide them to concerned people, who, in turn, will process the document and validate it with one click. And if there is an oversight in the workflow, the system will send an alert to the user concerned.


The document validation circuit with Visiativ Technical EDM ensures a flow of documents within your company


The workflow function covers the process of the document, from its creation to archiving: it ensures the good transmission of a document, provided that it has the necessary rights, which will modify it, validate it and forward it to those who will treat it later. And this, while ensuring traceability, and providing reliability. If in your company, you have to work in a collaborative way and especially transversal, this tool allows you to gain in ease and speed, then you benefit from a precious time saving, so necessary nowadays.


The module that manages electronic document management, being one of the essential features of EDM, allows your company not only to dematerialize your information flow, but also to ensure the control and durability of documents in the company.


      • Document identification: you can view document status and change history at any time and at any stage of the workflow. The module offers you the possibility to add a watermark whenever you change the document status
      • Your teams can track and manage each document in collaborative mode, to improve the group processing of each request
      • This module facilitates the engagement of the right people in charge of each step of the project thanks to the access right management.
      • Each person concerned will receive an alert or an e-mail notification upon the arrival of a document to be processed, as well as a reminder in the case of a delay in processing
      • This module ensures compliance with the schedule by ensuring the validation of documents at all stages and traces of delays to allow you the best responsiveness
      • Transparency and traceability of changes allow you to control the evaluation of documents
      • The security of each document validation circuit is also ensured



3 significant gains with the automation of your processes


      • Gain of responsiveness: easy and fast visualization of deadlines, document status and tasks to be performed
      • Gain of traceability: quick knowledge on workflow
      • Quality gain: insurance of a good progress of each process



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