VISIATIV ENGINEERING DIAGNOSTIC | Reliable product development

Deploy digital continuity within your company: assess the maturity of your engineering tools, define your objectives and action plan, identify any malfunctions and identify how to improve them.

Maximize efficiency of your product engineering tools and consolidate innovation


Companies are shifting pace: industry is going digital, product development involves more players, volume of data increase, products are more complex, production as well.

Consequence ? Digital tools are multiplying internally.

Issue for you? This multiplication occurs in disorder, with no overall coherence: a brake in the industrial approach of continuous improvement. To be part of the Industry of the Future, companies need a reliable and seamless digital suite throughout the full product life cycle: this is the challenge of digital continuity.


Contact us

Visiativ Engineering Diagnostic


Our proposal

SME ourselves, and expert in the deployment of digital solutions within industrial SMEs for more than 30 years, Visiativ Engineering Diagnostic is therefore simple and efficient: we map with your team the most realistic inventory of your digital continuity. Then we define together the best way to develop your processes with a detailled action plan.

Your strategic advantages


    • Have a snapshot of your technical data creation and usage
    • Benefit from an outside and expert view, without bias
    • Federate your employees with a collaborative approach
    • Establish a digital continuity roadmap adapted to your challenges
    • Make the right choices for a digital transformation that suits your company


Among the priority issues:


    • Streamline and improve connection of your digital tools (CAD, PDM, ERP, etc.) throughout product life cycle
    • Ensure consistency of your industrial strategies to guarantee choices made upstream are well applied downstream
    • Benefit from the agility and industrial performance of well-used digital technology
    • Deploy 3D and track generated data
    • Improve design and innovation processes


First step is to carry out an engineering diagnostic of your digital continuity. With this targeted audit, you will know where and how to transform.

An exciting path on which we guide you with optimism and lucidity, secured transformation!


Start your Engineering Diagnostic

Our engineering diagnostic


Visiativ Diagnostic Conception


Digital audit: understanding you, listening to you


During this first phase, Visiativ team immerse in inner processes of your business. Together, we move forward to draw a detailed map of your digital organization:

    • Identification of key contacts within your company for individual interviews to detailled missions, expectations and use of digital tools
    • Analysis of existing digital solutions according to 3 types: BackOffice, FrontOffice, Business solutions
    • Realization of a benchmark to position your digital maturity and compare it with your competitors.



Roadmap: building best processes and solutions together


Our deliverable list major solutions for your digital continuity:

    • Mapping of your digital system based on your solutions, your flows and your organization, including identification of potential malfunctions
    • Prioritized roadmap based on your usages and strategic challenges, including selection of priority projects
    • List of “quick wins”, actions whose implementation generates quickly measurable benefits.



And after ? Our commitment of trust

Choose our support to deploy your transformation


Here you are with all solutions in hand to perform your digital continuity and safely enter the world of tomorrow.

Does it stop there? Not for us! We support your deloyment, internal change management and technical integration: our consultant will lead with you this targeted transformation.

Our mission: achieve together the goals you have set!


Solutions métiers


Optimizing your industrial processes

Supporting your PLM deployment to achieve together the goals you have set for yourself
