VISIATIV CYBER DIAGNOSTIC | The technical control of IT security

With Visiativ Cyber Pilot, we take a concrete inventory of your IT security and propose an appropriate remediation plan.

Performing a cyber diagnostic requires carrying out a technical IT security check  


Your Visiativ Cyber Diagnostic in practice   


Contact us

1. The status report: understanding you, listening to you 


In this first phase, we dive into your business. Together, we perform an accurate assessment of your IT security maturity: 


  • Identifying the involved people in your company and conducting individual interviews to qualify 120 control points across 16 lines of business 
  • Assessing the security of your information system with specific indicators 
  • Performing an analysis of the external vulnerability to attack of your corporate network  
  • Cyber insurance simulation adapted to your technical environment and your challenges 

2. The roadmap: building the best network together 


The corrective plan to improve your IT security score: 


  • Accurate mapping of vulnerabilities detected  
  • A prioritized roadmap, including recommendations and major projects 
  • A list of “quick-win” actions whose rapid implementation generates quickly measurable benefits 
  • A cyber insurance quote adapted to your needs and negotiated for you through our broker partner ONLYNNOV 


Start my Cybersecurity Diagnostic

What then? Your corrective plan

Choose our support to maintain your IT protection


Now you possess the best plan to address security of your information system. 

Does it end there? Not for us!  


With Visiativ Cyber Pilot, we support your IT teams and/or your providers in piloting the corrective plan. 


Our customized, annual support includes:  

  • the management of the remediation plan and all vulnerabilities through our digital interface  
  • monthly security score tracking  
  • awareness of Cyber risk among employees  
  • the establishment of security steering committees  
  • the launch of a physical on-site attack mid-year to test our action plan 
  • the framework of documents necessary for IT security (charter, security policy, change management) 

    Solutions métiers


    Maximize the performance of your company

    Global audit of your digital maturity and prioritized roadmap for growth


    Purchasing and Operations

    Tailored services to analyze purchasing organization, identify optimization levers and lead necessary transformations to quickly improve purchasing performance.
